Monday, October 20, 2008

the blog is back (again)!

After a year plus of neglecting this blog, causing it to join probably thousands of other lost blogs in cyberspace, I've decided to resurrect it. This is partly due to a book I'm reading, The Corporate Blogging Book by Debbie Weil. If you've ever considered publishing a blog for your business, this a great read to help you learn how to go about it.

Web 2.0--interactive, user-generated, online content--is huge right now. Blogs were at the forefront of this type of technology when they first emerged several years ago. Other popular Web 2.0 methods soon followed (MySpace and Facebook are notable right now). Blogs are still going strong--and they aren't just for teens searching for an outlet to bemoan the trials and tribulations of adolescence anymore. Many businesses--both large and small--are jumping on board and putting blogs out there for everyone to see.

This includes me. While I've been a blogger for several years, I've not been consistent about keeping this particular medium up-to-date. That's primarily because, as I've mentioned before, the number of hours I have to dedicate to personal projects as a work-at-home-mom (WAHM) ebbs and flows. When I'm not chasing after my two-year-old, I'm working on writing projects. And I need to meet deadlines for my clients first, so other things tend to fall by the wayside, including my own marketing tactics, like this blog (yes, blogs are indeed a form of marketing!).

But now I'm inspired and ready to blog again. I'm back in the saddle and ready to rumble. I want to get some dialogue going! And I'd love to hear what you have to say about blogging for business. What cool blogs have you come across? What do you like about them? Have you made an effort to offer feedback as you read your favorites? Why or why not? Talk to me!

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