Sunday, October 28, 2012

ubc favorites list (week 4)

There are only a few more days until the Ultimate Blog Challenge wraps up, so this will be the final list of top 5 weekly blogs. The theme this time is...drumroll, please...well, there is no theme! Just random topics, but all of them are interesting. Enjoy!

Sunday Shoutout: Brick Link
For Lego collectors and parents of Lego enthusiasts.

Headline Tips
Writing headlines/titles can be tricky, and these tips will help make that job a bit easier.

Child Prodigy...Or Not
This one had me laughing out loud for at least 20 minutes. Parents especially will appreciate this!

It's Spook-tober
Super cute idea for making a Halloween card, scrapbook style.

Being Frugal Can Be Fun!
Just because I'm a bit of a cheapskate doesn't mean I think everyone needs to be, but there really are some good ideas here that anyone can use.

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