In an era where it couldn't be easier to share content, it's a wonder why every business doesn't have a blog.
You've got one, right?
No?! Well, don't worry. You aren't alone. Actually, there are still a lot of businesses (and organizations) that have yet to launch a blog.
© Photographer: Foto_jem | Agency: Dreamstime.com
They know it's a beneficial way to grow an audience, reach customers, and share information, but for one or more reasons, they've yet to get started.
If you haven't joined the blog bandwagon, consider doing so in 2013. You'll have a couple months to get a game plan together--consider topics, decide which platform to use, figure out who will write the posts--and you can hit the ground running at the start of the new year.
One of the first steps you might take, if you are considering blogging, is to read this article: 6 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Blog.
And hearing from those who already have a blog in place might help, too. So let me ask this: if you blog for your business, why do you do it? How have you benefited from having a blog? What tips can you offer to those new to blogging? And if you'd like to share a link to your blog, please do that as well!
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