Today is the 31st and final day of the Ultimate Blog Challenge. Posting each and every day has definitely been a challenge, but it's also been a good experience. To wrap things up, here are a few random thoughts about this month.
1. I am happy to say I completed the daily posting goal, but I wish I had been able to find time to read (and comment) on more blogs. I tried to read at least a couple every day, but there were some days I wasn't able to read any. There were a lot of great posts out there, and I'm sorry I couldn't get to all of them!
2. The UBC was a great opportunity to evaluate the direction that I want to take this blog. While I won't be posting every day from here on out, I will make an effort to post more frequently than I did before (prior to October).
3. This surprised me: writing posts got easier! And I became faster at writing them! Things seemed a bit more effortless! And that's a good thing. Hey, even writers suffer from writer's block sometimes, or take longer than they'd like to construct an article!
4. I need to find a few more free images sites. I think I've exhausted morguefile.com, and some of the other supposedly "free" sites I had bookmarked weren't free, really.
5. Thank you to those who took the time to read my posts, and thanks again if you commented and/or shared. I appreciate the support! I have started following a few other participants' blogs and will do my best to keep up with them in the future. There are many awesome blogs out there chock full of great information.
If you participated in the UBC, how did you do? Were you happy with your results? Do you feel you made some new connections? What will you do next?
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